
SignSync and a Museum Technologies DSP-1000 sign can caption practically any exhibit, video, demonstration, or animatronic display.  Contact Museum Technologies for a completely integrated sign in a single rugged case.

Preparing, scheduling, and loading captions into SignSync is done using the AutoCaptionTM captioning system.  Better caption service providers such as Armour Captioning can also do this for you for a modest charge.

You supply the trigger and from then on SignSync feeds captions to the sign. Precisely. On time.

SignSync is rugged and reliable. It's all solid state. It can be powered down and restarted without any ceremony. It's built in a solid 1.5" H, 4.25"W, 5.5"D steel and aluminum case.

SignSync is designed to be a truly affordable solution for those difficult to caption exhibits.

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